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An Angels Touch

An Angels Touch


This piece is the first in a series of sculptures inspired by the paintings of Carl Bloch.

Available in white marble or bronzetone.

Come Unto Me

Come Unto Me


This piece is the second in a series of sculptures inspired by academic Danish Carl Bloch who is known for his paintings depicting the life and ministry of Jesus Christ.

This piece with its exquisite details is a great addition to your home or office depicting the Love that our Savior has for each of us,

This will also make a wonderful gift that will stand the test of time.

This piece is available in both white marble or bronzetone.
Available in white marble or bronzetone.

13" Marble - $169.95
13" Bronzetone - $189.99

I Am

I Am


The “I am” passages found in John were the inspiration for this beautiful sculpture.

This piece is available in white cultured marble.

Available in white cultured marble.

12" $299.95

Jesus and The Child

Jesus and The Child


This is the fourth in a series of sculptures inspired by the paintings of Carl Bloch. 

Available in white marble. 

14" $199.00

Jesus The Christ

Jesus The Christ


This molded bust of Jesus the Christ, creates a beautiful display of warmth and comfort in your home. It stands made of White Marble and stands 10” on a polished wooden base.

10" $139.95

Joseph Smith Frontier Bust

Joseph Smith Frontier Bust


Have you ever wondered what the prophet Joseph Smith really looked like? There are no known photographs of the Prophet, but using his death mask and skull measurements a forensic restoration of his likeness was done.

This piece was modeled after the original restoration.

Available in either Bronzetone or White Marble and stands on a wooden base.

12" Bronzetone $149.00
12" White Marble $199.99

Robed Messiah

Robed Messiah


This beautiful piece of the Savior exemplifies his demeanor of love, peace, and forgiveness. A comforting work of art for anyone who loves the Savior.

Available in white carrera marble and stands on a wooden base.

8" $119.99
12" $239.99

Sunstone Bookends

Sunstone Bookends


The perfect set of bookends for anyone who loves Church history and Nauvoo. These bookends are adorned with two 6" white marble sunstones. These sunstones are replicas of the sunstones that stand upon the exterior pillars of the Nauvoo temple.

The Dance

The Dance


Joseph and Emma Smith are shown during the happier times which Joseph loved regardless of persecution, personal sorrow, or extreme trials. This statue depicts Joseph in his formal attire, and Emma dancing in her beautiful dress.

Available in bronzetone and stands on a wooden base.

11”- $139.99
15” - $239.99

The First Vision

The First Vision


Joseph Smith's first vision in 1820.

Available in white marble and stands on a wooden base. 

9" $109.95
16" $399.00

The Frontier Prophet

The Frontier Prophet


The prophet Joseph Smith is seen holding a broad-axe. He and his family were hard workers and he cleared hundreds of acres of land throughout his life. 

Available in bronzetone and stands on a wooden base.

12" $179.00 Bronzetone

The Lamb & The Lion

The Lamb & The Lion


The lamb shall lie down with the lion. This universal symbol of peace and the return of the Savior is inspired by scripture found in Isaiah.

Available in either white marble or bronzetone.

8" White Marble - $139.00

8" Bronzetone - $149.00

The Martyrs

The Martyrs


Joseph Smith and his beloved brother Hyrum are depicted as they would have appeared in the 1840's shortly before their martyrdom. The life-size version of this piece stands as a monument at the Carthage Jail in Carthage, Illinois.

Available in bronzetone and stands on a wooden base.

14" $299.95
8" $99.00

The Messiah

The Messiah


This smaller piece of the Savior is perfect for all budgets!

Available in Bronzetone and White Marble and stands on a wooden base.

8" $129.00 White Marble
8" $139.00 Bronzetone

The Prophet Joseph

The Prophet Joseph


The prophet Joseph Smith is shown holding a copy of the Book of Mormon, which was first published in 1830.
Available in bronzetone and stands on a wooden base.
14" $149.99

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Custom Artwork

Create your own family heirloom. We have artists & craftsmen that can create a statue of the likeness of your family members or ancestors. These small busts are the perfect gift for family reunions or awards to honor your legacy. Contact us for more information.

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